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Current Cryotherapy Studies at Chill Cryotherapy

At Chill Cryotherapy we are dedicated to finding new applications for cryotherapy treatment. As most disease processes have an inflammatory component we are conducting ongoing research to find new applications for cryotherapy.

Participants in Chill Cryotherapy Studies receive discounted cryotherapy treatments--both local and whole body--depending on the type of study. Please find a list of current ongoing studies that are open for enrollment.

Cellulite Reduction Study: Study is currently closed! Results are in, see below.

cosmetic surgery body

Study participants receive whole body and local cryotherapy treatments at 40 percent off regular prices. Participation requires 10 treatment sessions over approximately 5 weeks. Participants agree to initial and final weigh in, photos, measurements and short survey. Results are in!!! Please click here to see our before and after photographs and to learn more about how cryotherapy can improve cellulite: Cryotherapy: Combats Cellulite + Stubborn Fat Deposits Please call phone or email for more information.

Acne Focus Group

acne before after

Study participants receive 10 treatments over the course of 4 weeks and receive cryotherapy treatment at 30 percent off regular pricing. Treatments are non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive and are localized (study utilizes local cryotherapy treatment, not whole body cryotherapy). Participants agree to initial and final photographs and short survey. For information on how cold temperature works to improve acne, please read this article: How cryotherapy helps reduce acne. For more information please call phone or email us at


Osteoarthritis Symptom Reduction: Pain and Inflammation

Chill Cryotherapy: Pain + Inflammation Relief for Osteoarthritis

Participation includes 10 cryotherapy treatments. Participants receive both local and whole body cryotherapy sessions at 40 percent regular prices. Participants agree to complete ten combined treatments  within 5 weeks and to complete initial and final surveys. We have developed a specific, proprietary osteoarthritis protocol that we are testing with regard to pain and inflammation reduction and improvements in mobility. Please read more about how cryotherapy can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis in our recent blog post: Chill Cryotherapy for the Relief of Osteoarthritis Pain + Inflammation

Call phone for more information. Or email us at


Seasonal + Perennial Allergies

seasonal allergies

Participation includes 10 Whole Body Cryotherapy treatments for nearly 30 percent off retail prices. Participants agree to complete 10 whole body treatments in roughly 3 weeks and to complete an initial and final survey. We do not require that you change any allergy medication that you currently take. It is important that you do not change your medication during the study however. Chill Cryotherapy offers a proprietary customized protocol for allergy symptom relief. To learn more about how cryotherapy can reduce allergy symptoms, please visit our blog: Chill Cryotherapy: Relief from Allergy Symptoms

Call us at phone to discuss participating in our allergy relief study. Or email us:

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