The NormaTec Recovery System helps maximize recovery for both athletes and non-athletes. Using Sequential Pulse Technology, NormaTec synergistically combines three distinct massage techniques to speed the body’s normal recovery process: pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release. Through these mechanisms, the NormaTec Recovery System maximizes circulation throughout the body to help you look better, train harder, and recover faster.
What is NormaTec
NormaTec is the leader in rapid recovery—our systems give a competitive edge to the world’s elite athletes, coaches, and trainers. Our goal is to establish recovery as an integral part of every athlete’s training, and we feel NormaTec systems are the best way to accomplish that. The NormaTec PULSE Recovery Systems are dynamic compression devices designed for recovery and rehab. All of our systems use NormaTec’s patented PULSE technology to help athletes recover faster between trainings and after performance.
Our systems include a control unit and attachments which go on the legs, arms, or hips. They use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with our patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern. When you use our systems, you will first experience a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape. The session will then begin by compressing your feet, hands, or upper quad (depending on which attachment you are using). Similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your limb.
How Normatec Works
The NormaTec Recovery System’s proven scientific approach to speed recovery in 30 minutes flat lies in the innovative massage pattern coined Sequential Pulse Technology (SPT).
SPT blends three unique massage patterns that work in unison with the body’s natural physical and chemical processes to quicken the recovery time.
Normatec Massage Pattern
What We Treat with Normatec
Normatec is an excellent complement to cryotherapy treatment. Cryotherapy works through vasoconstriction and biochemical pathways to evacuate inflammation from all blood vessels, tissues, organs and muscles in the body. Normatec after cryotherapy facilitates the elimination (detoxification) of this inflammation through the lymphatic system.
Normatec is used by athletes and non-athletes to improve the performance of their bodies and to recover from surgery, health conditions and aging.
- Athletes use Normatec on their arms, legs and hips (lower backs) to accelerate recovery by evacuating lactic acid and inflammation. Normatec increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage.
- Normatec is approved to treat chronic wounds by increasing blood flow and circulation.
- Normatec is approved to treat venous insufficiency and can eliminate and prevent varicose and spider veins.
- Normatec is approved to treat lymphedema and edema due to diabetes.