Infrared Sauna + Light Therapy:
detox toxins, fat and chronic pain
The ChillRx Clearlight Infrared Sauna with Medical Grade Light Therapy
The ChillRx Infrared Sauna: Our Clearlight Sanctuary Sauna is the only True Full Spectrum infrared sauna available offering advanced near, mid and far infrared technologies. Our robust True Wave Full Spectrum heating system provides all wavelengths 100% of the time to optimize your sauna session.
ChillRx Medical Grade Chromotherapy (included with every sauna session):
Light Therapy has been valued throughout history as a remarkable source of healing. Today, the therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major hospitals and research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum, ultraviolet, colored, and laser light can have therapeutic value for a range of conditions from chronic pain and depression to immune disorders.
Health Benefits of ChillRx Infrared Sauna:
Medical Benefits
Light Therapy has been reported to reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical/surgical procedures. Patients have demonstrated increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation.
Rejuvenating LED light therapy can be used for pain management such as joint and back pain, sore or torn muscles, sprains, arthritis, post-surgical scars, burns, wounds and more. When used with infrared technology, light therapy (phototherapy) is one of the most effective and non- invasive ways to repair the body.
Light therapy is also used to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD effects individuals when the lack of sunlight results in seasonal depression. Phototherapy helps with SAD by resetting the internal biological clock (Circadian rhythms), helping individuals sleep better and regulate their mood.
Cosmetic Benefits
Light therapy is also a growing treatment for anti-aging. Many individuals have seen a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and age spots.
Light therapy is “effective at improving the appearance of the face, neck and chest by reducing the signs of aging, wrinkles and age spots”, says Web M.D. Combined with infrared therapy, LED phototherapy can be a great way to revitalize skin. Light therapy energizes skin cells, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, giving skin back it's youthful look.
Weight Loss
As you relax in an IR sauna, your body is actually hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood, and burning calories.
As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart will work harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation.
This increase in your metabolism will burn calories. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of an IR sauna imparts a similar stress on the cardiovascular system as that of running.
Regular use may be as effective a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.
Muscle Recovery
The deep heat that occurs during an IR sauna session helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries.
Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscle, so they recover faster.
The heat from the sauna also helps to reduce soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms as muscle joints and fibers are heated.
Muscles relax most readily when tissues are warm, for greater flexibility and range of motion. IR heat helps to relieve muscle tension and thereby helping your body to make the most of its intended healing abilities.
Immune System Boost
While enjoying your 40-minute IR sauna session, your core temperature is raised inducing an artificial fever.
A fever is the body’s natural mechanism to strengthen and accelerate the immune response, as seen in the case of infection.
This enhanced immune system, combined with improved elimination of toxins and wastes via intense sweating, increases your overall health and resistance to disease.
IR sauna heat increases your blood circulation and stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built up toxins in the body.
Daily IR sauna sessions can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of accumulated highly toxic metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, alcohol, nicotine, sulfuric acid, and other organic and inorganic compounds.
IR saunas help to stimulate cells to release toxins, which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel.
Beautiful Skin
The profuse sweating achieved after just a few minutes in an infrared sauna sheds deeply embedded impurities and dead skin cells, leaving the skin glowing and immaculately clean. Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface. You’ll see improved tone, elasticity, texture and fresh color. Increased blood circulation has also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts. In addition, open wounds heal more quickly, reducing scarring.
Pain and Stiffness Relief
One of the primary uses for far-infrared heat therapy is to help reduce suffering from chronic pain and injury. Far-infrared heat gets deep into the body’s soft tissue, making it a great source of relief from arthritis pain to backaches. Far-infrared heat also helps to improve the mobility of the joint or muscle in question. Whether you are dealing with muscle soreness from swelling, this therapy can be used to help you improve your condition. Everyone from the elderly to athletes can benefit from this method of loosening sore muscles and stiff joints, without the use of ointments or creams.
Far-infrared heat therapy works to improve the body’s natural healing process; helping to relieve pain by expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation, without increasing blood pressure. This improved circulation allows more oxygen to reach tissues and nerves, helping to reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
This deep penetrating heat gently causes an artificial "fever" without actually being sick. As a result, blood circulation is improved to the treated area bringing more healing oxygen to joints and extremities and speeding healing of injuries. Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease & Parkinson’s Disease can enjoy an easy to use form of pain relief.
Relieve overworked Muscles, Stiffness, Cramps and Muscle Pains: Far Infrared Saunas use Far Infrared energy wavelengths which penetrate anywhere from 1-2 inches deep into the human body. Far Infrared heat penetrates deep enough to affect the muscles which often become stiff due to everyday activities and stress. Heat relaxes the muscles and allows them to loosen up and regain their elasticity.
Infrared heat also makes muscles more flexible and gives them a larger range of motion, in addition to providing relief from cramps and joint pain.
Cellulite Reduction
Infrared heat mobilizes heavy metals and toxins out of fat cells, can reduce the appear of cellulite. Our heaters are placed to target thighs, hips, abdomen and legs. Accumulated toxins in fat can cause the cells to ripple and dimple--creating the appearance of cellulite. Mobilizing these toxins and evacuating them out of fat cells is the first step in their elimination. As toxins are shed, the fat cells shrink. Additionally, fat cells increase in size with the accumulate of water inside--infrared sauna stimulates "fat sweat" and can remove water from the cells.
Stress Relief & Improved Sleep
Unlike traditional saunas, IR saunas provide a gentle, soothing therapeutic heat that promotes relaxation and improved sleep.
IR sauna therapy helps you relax while receiving and invigorating deep tissue sweat, leaving you fully refreshed, rejuvenated and renewed.
Saunas also increase serotonin, a powerful hormone associated with relaxation and sleep. Following a sauna, people show more brain waves related to deeper, more restful sleep.treatment for anti-aging